Sunday, January 20, 2013

Season 1 Episode 10 - The Mourning After

What a nice way to start an episode, "2 incredibly sexy, hot girls sitting at home, waxing their weapons on a Friday night." Well, I'm not going to argue with that! And this whole opening was just a weird conversation... 6 inch and goat...

Oh course, we MUST get to some kind of death and crime scene. We must put Bo to work, you know? And yikes, blow dryer in a tub. Never EVER put anything electronic in water!

Wow.. Bo goes to see Dyson at the police station to see if he can give her info and what does he suggest? "I can give you sample to give to the lab. Go see Lauren."

I don't know who came up with the character Kenzi but the writer seems to love giving her wonderful lines, like calling Trick "T-bag" or "T-dog" then "please sir, may I have a beverage" in a Brit accent. Is that not brilliant, my dear?

The speed dating seen is awfully hilarious. Kenzi puts on her best Russian accent while stealing jewelry and quoting Ludacris.

Who is this other succubus and what does she know? It's a very interaction between Bo and Saskia and she's dark Fae. You can tell. It's all fun for her! 2 succubuses is actually succubi. I didn't know that.

Love the Lightning Bird lady character. I wonder how much those eggs would cost. And isn't it funny how Kenzi can talk her way through? Telling the lady that she should see herself as an entrepreneur and use her eggs as commodity. Kenzi does think on her feet.

A very touching moment when Bo just gave Kenzi a hug.

Useless Info:
The TV in Bo's house is Sony brand.

The alley-way that Bo and Saskia were in was film inside the warehouse. When the guy said "can I have your number?" there is a distinctive indoor echo.

The guy who play Bertram can be found in a TD Canada Trust commercial in Canada. No video yet)

The street right after Bertram shows up at Bo's apartment is a street in Hamilton, Ontario. Likely the main King St.

Team Dyson Moment:
There is some lovey-dovey between Bo and Dyson; like at the police station, phone conversation.

Really? Bo gives Dyson a hug in the lab IN FRONT of Lauren!

Team Lauren Moment:
Tension much? Bo visits Lauren at the lab regarding the murder and Lauren tries to be friendly and Bo just shuts her out. Ouch! I suppose after what happened a couple episodes ago...

Quotes of the Episode:
"Honey, if I could give you a 6 inch, our problems would be solved" - Kenzi

"Death by hair dryer. That's a lousy way to go" - Bo

"Set phasers to douche. There is way too much gel and chest hair to this place" - Kenzi

"I think it's the great poet, Ludacris, who said 'Regret is for suckas, suckas, suckas, suckas. Bitch" - Kenzi

"Shocking news from Galileo. You're actually NOT the centre of the universe" - Trick

"Fae-dar isn't really a succubus gift" - Saskia

"You're not shitting about the lightning part" - Kenzi
"I try not to shit about things" - Trick

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Season 1, Episode 9 - Fae Day

Hello... the episode starts with Bo practicing her sword skills! Who doesn't love Bo with a sword?

This episode introduces us to Fae holiday, La Shoshain! The light and dark fae mingle together and not killing each other! Of course, they wouldn't just do an episode "a day in the life" without some sort of Fae problem. And we find out someone will be dying on this special day of La Shoshain.

Now, we learn that on this special day, Fae cannot use their "skills." It's to honour the sacrifice of the Blood King.

Kenzi meets an interesting fae-man... but he is the unlucky one and going to die.

How do you get a banshee to talk? Feed her a liver shake. Mmm...

Asking a Fae about their power is like asking a woman for their age. A big no-no!

The waitress is so proper. She nods everytime Bo put down something on her plate. It's like she's a servant... is Trick not paying her at all???

Sean and Liam's dad is such an ass.

What is Trick and Dyson hiding from Bo?

Useless Info:
Kenzi and Sean breaks into a car that looks like a recent and expensive Mercedez-Benz. Now, I don't know much about car but I highly doubt that it is THAT easy to hotwire a car like THAT!

The Cavanaugh's family home is so big. I only know a few areas that have house like that in Toronto: Bridle Path, Mississauga Rd. in Mississauga (east of Toronto)... It is probably like $15 million+ home

Bo uses an iphone, however, the touchscreen keyboard looks a bit odd...

License plate (BFJW 603) on Bo's car... it's fake but it may actually exist now. Ontario plates are now up to BP** ###

Team Dyson Moment:
Scene between Bo and Dyson at the casting agency. Dyson can't be physical strength so he tells Bo to feed the Banshee

Or maybe just before they see Liam? Dyson gets a day off from police and being a Fae but Bo drags him along anyway.

All the moments in the car... Dyson "does what he can to protect" Bo...

Or maybe Dyson killing the goblin to protect Bo.

Team Lauren Moment:
Nope, no Lauren here... busy in her lab.

Quotes of the Episode:
"We'll go for ONE drunk. I really need a break form the Fae and their shit!" - Bo

"I'm surprise you're not taking the stairs, I thought you couldn't use electricity on La Shoshain" - Bo
"Wrong culture." - Dyson

"The whole idea when you're dying is to break out of your shell, not throwing another coat of wax, so think big, think bucket list!" - Kenzi

"Mr. Sparkely conversation you are not" - Bo

"What the heck is the banshee's batting average?" - Kenzi

"I don't believe in faith. You make your own future and you fight for it" - Kenzi

Season 1, Episode 8 - Vexed

Just what we need to start an episode... injured Bo going to Dyson for "healing." Just saying... Although, I am confused. Bo is the one that needs healing so why is it that Dyson gets physical?

We get to learn more about Bo's past, ok sorta... Sigfried has information on a woman who's been dubbed "baby killer."

We get a little flirtation between Bo and Lauren in which Lauren gets a bit jealous when she hears Dyson. Lauren is adorable when she's jealous.

Bo goes undercover again and a little cleavage and a little touch et voila, she gets into the jail to talk to Lou Anne, the mysterious baby killer, who may know about Bo's parent.

Ow... who is this guy with the mind controlling power and a sexy accent?

We learn that by Fae rule, Fae is not allowed to fall in love human. Strange isn't it? It seems backward.

I love Cle Bennett's (The Ash) voice... it's raspy but nice.

What is this robot hooker game Kenzi is playing?

Wow, the Ash is a bit of an ass even with the sexy voice... and he tells her to keep Bo on a leash?

Ooo, new weapon! I want one! Syracon! Made of unicorn horn!

Bo certainly has a collection of wonderful weapons, doesn't she? Swords, axes, daggers, death stars and a crossbow. And I love her attire.

So Mr. Sexy Accent is Vex.

Trick saves Lou Anne from lethal injection? What do they know? WHAT DO THEY KNOW???

Useless info:
With the exception of Bo breaking into the theatre, I think everything else were filmed in a studio.

Team Dyson Moment:
Opening scene, Bo needing to heal and some naked time.

At the stairway? Bo pretty please to Dyson for autopsy report?

Dyson came to see how Bo's doing after attack of the fried bitch. Although, I thought it was a bit douchebag-ish to offer Bo healing. BUT brownie points for tell Bo she can stay with him.

Then Dyson loses brownie points for saving Vex instead of helping Bo.

Team Lauren Moment:
How about Bo's mention of Lauren at the beginning? "I've been working on it with Lauren" as in healing faster!! What were you thinking?

Lauren examining Bo at the lab? And yes Bo, once Lauren go Fae, she never went back! And Lauren just asked about Bo how she's doing sexually on human and of course Bo wanted to take it slow... on Lauren. Then Lauren plays devil's advocate that "succubus needs a healthy sex life in order to be stables. Of course when wounded, she still needs to have sex in order to heal." That must be the biggest flirt line EVER! Bo then mentioned using Dyson to heal and I think I saw jealously in Lauren's eyes... so cute! Then she responded with "as your doctor, I would be more comfortable with you choosing someone slightly less well travelled." J-E-A-L-O-U-S!

I like the Bo and Lauren moment when they were discussion about Bo's life. Oh Lauren. I think this is THE doccubus moment of the season. Bo doesn't want to hurt Lauren but Lauren trusts Bo. Off to the bedroom we go! "Nobody owns you" and then it sorta just fell apart when Bo realized Lauren was sent there to distract her.

Quotes of the Episode:
"He is being such a girl" - Bo
"Why? Because wolfboy is tired of you life sucking him when the mood hits?" - Kenzi

"Obviously you can't have Dyson and chase after Dr. Hotpants anymore. So time to pick a team, dude" - Kenzi

"I am mildly insulted" - Sigfried
"Then I mildly apologize" - Bo

"Once you go Fae, you never go back" - Bo

"A succubus needs a healthy sex life in order to be stables. Of course when wounded, she still needs to have sex in order to heal" - Lauren

"I bet you've never paid for a single speeding ticket, bitch" - Kenzi

"I will be saving the world from robot hookers" - Kenzi

"Smells like fried bitch" - Kenzi

"I have to be owned to be free?" - Bo
"No, just to stay breathing" - Dyson

"She's a succubus. If you want to keep her alive, I'm sure you can think of some way to distract her." - The Ash

"As a succubus, what do you feed on?" - Trick
"Nicotine and wishful thinking?" - Bo

"Whatever it is, I think it's happy to see me. What is it made of?" - Bo
"Unicorn horn" - Trick

"You are in my bed because he told you to be. Everything about that is wrong" - Bo

"I didn't know we were bringing toys? But that one's cheating." - Vex

"No more games. You tell me or I'm gonna cut it out of your" - Bo

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Season 1, Episode 7 - ArachnoFaebia

Spiders... I won't know what to think of them. I don't like them but I don't hate them. I definitely do not squeal "OMG, SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

What I find funny about this episode is a real estate agent asking someone to "cleanse" the house of spirits. Do people still do these things?

Kenzi is such a con artist but a funny one. I love the fact that the writers dipped into Kzenia Solo's background and use it. And such a great performance! Oh and she spoke Russians in the episode.

The love triangle? This whole episode was about the triangle! And tension just grew! At the Dal when Dyson and Bo were talking about the crime, Lauren walks in (cute jeans and blazer) and asked Dyson, "were you leaving?" to which he responded with "what? And miss this?" Oh, you three... stop it and just figure it out already! And Bo *tried* to release the tension with "like a threesome... not that I thought about it that way or anything." Good work, Bo... good work...

As if the tension in the triangle wasn't tight enough, Dyson goes and attack Lauren... and Bo disapproves and finishes Lauren's shot.

Oh man, I laughed SO hard when Bo was hallucinating Lauren and Kenzi.

Bo's house is big enough to have a basement?

I loved the camera angle from the spider's view and then seeing Bo's boot kills the spider - "Mercy this!"

Useless Info:
Cheryl Fields' website does not exist (Yes, I did try) and her number obvious is the generic TV exchange (555) but the area code of 416 is for Toronto
Team Dyson Moment:
I want to find a moment... the nice moment was outside the house for sale. You can see the flirt. The next moment was at the Dal until Lauren showed up and he turned douchebag.

There was also the scene at the police station when Bo was all itchy. And the last scene is at Bo's place... Kenzi wondered if Dyson was trying to buy them off with pizza.

Team Lauren Moment:
Maybe in the lab when Bo made the comment about her hormones usually go horny and not horrid, it looked like Lauren had the "hm... Bo getting horny" look.

Or maybe the 2nd time in the lab when all the chaos was done. Lauren totally geeking out and give that patented smile...

Quotes of the Episode:
"Sometimes I wish I had man slaves to do whatever I want" - Kenzi

"I'm not the one that leaves weapons around. Were you planning to chop some wood?" - Kenzi

"Human sometimes just kill each other. You take away their flat screen, minivan, and they're still just barbarians." - Dyson

"I love me some Bo, but I wish she would end the juggling act" - Kenzi

"So did you pick a lova? Or did doctor freeze and k9 crotch fight to death? - Kenzi

"But emotionally, I'm a level 10 harpy." - Bo

"When my hormones flares up, they usually go horny and not horrid" - Bo

"I hate getting all hot and bothered for nothing" - Sabrina

Friday, June 1, 2012

Season 1, Episode 6 - Food for Thought

Succubus mid-term... hee hee hee. And the good doctor is back (thank the fae!)!

But to the more important thing about this episode... EW! Foot stew? Didn't I say EW? Just thinking about it again is a bit yuck! And bleeding from the eye? Double EW. By the way, kids, if you ever follow a Fae-friend into their home... do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT eat ANYTHING in that house! Because you can't be certain if you'll be eating contaminated foot stew! I would be brushing my tongue and eating mints and perfuming it like Kenzi! Excuse me while I go brush my teeth AGAIN.

Another introduction to a fae, an asswang? An ASSwang? Did I hear that right? Is it even a real myth? That's all I will say about this...

Zoie Palmer as Lauren is just TOO adorable! Do you like; Lab Lauren, Casual Lauren, or Doctor Lauren? Why can't we just have them all? It's the way Zoie portrays Lauren that makes her so adorable; a little geeky and yet fun.

Now while Lauren was getting ready to impersonate Dr. Hensen. Bo entered the Taberman & Associates facility as an intern. What kind of intern dress up like THAT! I mean, WOW... and that facility must never had a woman worked there. Did you see all the staff stop and just get mesmerized by Bo? Scratch that... if Bo walked into my work place, I would stop too.

Did you like the "confession" Kenzi had for Dyson? That she knows Dyson will do the right thing for Bo even if it hurts him. Deep, Kenzi, deep or maybe you were just a bit delirious.

Useless Info:
When Bo and Kenzi went to investigate James Sibley's house, a GO Train (it's green) was just running in the background.

Biker gang's hideout or hangout is at DG Auto in the west end of Toronto on Newcastle St... Google Map has the "DG AUTO" sign if you click on street view and click left a bit more where a bunch of cars are sitting on the lot.

Team Dyson Moment:
I can't find an actual Dyson moment except for Mr. Douchbag at the end asking if "Lauren will be her first test subject?" How cold can you be? The only other moment is at the police station when they were trying to figure out what was going on with the dead human. But gosh, Dyson can be a real douchbag!

Team Lauren Moment:
I can't decided... opening scene at the bar? Or at the Taberman & Associates lab? Or maybe the entire episode? I loved the the opening scene at the bar. It was a very casual meeting that I think I would consider the turning point for the true Doccubus moment. At the Taberman lab, it was just fun adventure - "The Silly Adventures of Bo and Lauren." Lauren wanted to do things with careful planning and Bo wanted to do thing on the go. We got both. Let's just call it a Doccubus episode!

Quotes of the Episode:
"I'm better at multi-orgasm then at multi-choice" - Bo

"I like you like this - after hour Lauren" - Bo

"What is this? Take a fae to work day?" - Kenzi

"Worse case scenario, I ate just toxic soup. Best case scenario, I am a toe sucking cannibal!" - Kenzi

"I'm not scared or anything. I'm just bored and you amuse me." - Kenzi

"I'm freaking freezing here. Can you wolf out and lay on my feet?" - Kenzi

"My sex life is no longer on critical list" - Bo

Friday, May 18, 2012

Season 1, Episode 5 - Dead Lucky

Well, you team Dyson fans will certainly be happy with the opening...

We get a bit more into the Dark Fae and learn how the difference between the Light and the Dark Fae world works.

Is it just me or is there an odd irony that this episode was about luck and held inside a Chinese restaurant? Mayer's ability is to feed of the luck of human. Chinese actually have a fortune god. He's very prominent during Chinese New Year (yay! Red pockets!). Oh, did anyone else notice that Mayer is not Chinese but owns a Chinese restaurant with Chinese bodyguards? Now that's diversity.

Mayer's niece, Cassie the oracle, is... hm... not what I expected in an oracle. I was expecting a very quiet, soft spoken and floating in. She is almost like an obnoxious teen. She was like so wickedly cool! Totally awesome, like you know? (it was suppose to be sarcasm to imitate her) However, I think that's what make the scene that must better.

A body jumper... it is actually disturbing. Maybe the fact that they can only inhabit a dead body. Although, I did love the fact that Eddie was wearing the blond woman and decided to dance. It was kind of funny and to have Dyson call on him, "Eddie... What is it with the blonds, man?" and then walk up to Dyson.

We get to learn a bit more about Bo's pass but not much. Through Cassie, we do see what had happened to Bo when she found out who she really is and what had happened after her birth. However, it is interesting that Bo "will be a major player. And fate has some serious plans for you."

Useless Info:
Mayer, played by Aron Tager, is in several commercials playing as "Old Man Winter" and he is perfect for the role.

The driver's license that Dyson pulls up on the computer is an actual layout of an Ontario driver's license; all decked with a "mini me" picture and the trillium flower.

Team Dyson Moment:
Oh which moment... the opening? Or the one at the Dal?

Apparently, in the opening scene, Bo didn't really need to be healed. But hey, it was late at night and Bo needed it. They had also set up rules because it's suppose to be a secret.

And that secret jumped out when Bo got frozen and needed "911 booty call." Of course, no one told Trick and he thought his troll got out... Trick, what DO you keep in that room? And he didn't look happy about Dyson and Bo doing it.

Team Lauren Moment:
Looks like the Ash got her busy working in the lab again... Can someone please call the Ash and let him know we need the doctor?

Quotes of the Episode:
"Does this SHE have a name?" - Kenzi
"Ms. Snickerpants..." - woman
"Your boss?" - Kenzi
"My cat." - woman

"This really puts the suck in succubus" - Kenzi

"You know, you should really invest in a cup" - Bo

"I'm no longer on Team Dyson" - Kenzi

"911 booty call" - Kenzi

"Did my troll get out?" - Trick

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Season 1, Episode 4 - Faetal Attraction

Let's call this the breakup episode. It had everything; love, hate and explosions!

Apparently, Bo has never been rejected before and Kenzi shows her how to deal with it. I personally would love to break a car like that do! I don't need a reason because breaking stuff is fun!

But how does Bo deal with rejection? By having a threesome... and it apparently left Oliva "unable to walk."

I thought it was interesting that this episode was done in a "this is how we ended up here" episode. The opening sequence is actually the end of the episode. So, after seeing the boom, we get to see how we got to this point.

But the whole episode is on how Bo and Dyson work out their own feelings. Bo had the "flu" and Dyson became a douche. I loved the therapy session Dyson had; trying to act tough and the human therapist just sees through it. And in the end, Dyson gave into the therapist...

Useless Info:
Not 100% certain about Samir's home but it certainly looks like a castle or one of those high-end multimillion dollar homes in Toronto.

The furies characters are based on Greek mythology furies. They put a curse to drive any guilty party insane.

Team Dyson moment:
It would have to be the last 3 minutes of the episode and the whole "friend's with benefit" part. At least they talked, reconciled and are now on good terms. But as Kenzi say "Yup! Still a douche!"

Team Lauren moment:
In the bar when Kenzi and Bo are having a drink and Lauren comes in with her doctor advisory speech... and even Kenzi noticed the sparks!

Quotes of the Episode:
"Was someone kept up late by the doggy dog style celebration of love?" - Kenzi

"I'm tired being with the ugly chick" - Hale

"You are the kenziest Kenzi, ever!" - Bo

"Now s your doctor, I should recommend against excessive intoxication." - Lauren
"Who's drunk?" - Bo
"Well, we don't know the affects of cocktails on your abilities." - Lauren
"Well, I'm not a guy, so I can promise you, booze does not affect my ability to perform" - Bo
"Well, I wouldn't want to be on a receiving end of drunken succubus booty call..." - Lauren

"Are you a succubus or a succubust?" - Kenzi

"Gold star for Kenzi! Rebound sex is all I needed!" - Bo