Fae Con

The Official Page of the Unofficial Lost Girl Fae Con

This is the page to see the progress of getting a Lost Girl only con. I personally have no idea when will happen and how much it will be.
Please follow @FaeConTO! It will be used to see how much interest is out there!

The Checklist:
Location: Somewhere near or in Toronto - Home of Lost Girl; North Toronto, Downtown Toronto or West Toronto
Price: ??
Venue: ??
Date/Time: ??
Volunteer: Yes, needed. Not sure how many yet. However, for sure will need, sign-up/registration (about 2 - 5), someone with experience with audio/video set-up, MC (but I know who to ask) Masquerade Contest: we know how much you love dressing up as Lauren, Bo, Dyson, Trick, Kenzi and Hale
Silent Auction for local charity

Ideas are welcome - please use twitter!

IDEAS from @Raving_Ranter
My responds:

  • autograph session is a must and planning to guarantee every single attendee. will apologize to the hands of the stars
  • photo-op on the other hand, might be limited
  • guest will vary and depending on number of days, will likely spread guest appearance over the events
  • of course with the Q&A, people love to ask questions, even if it means they won't get an answer
  • costume contest is likely an event, may consider cash prize for winner with funds collected from attendee - and I do like your ash voting system
  • merchandise like dvd and blu-ray can be arranged with distributors/suppliers; i see fan made t-shirts floating around, can definitely arrange to have available for purchase to cover the cost; photos is a different story
  • space and venues does depends on number of people attending, will need to see people follow this account. it is how it will tell if it's worth it
  • flights and hotel can be arranged for special events promo discounts


    1. Love the idea! I'd come down from Calgary if I knew far enough ahead of time! (@AlyDenis)

    2. I am definitly in! I am also willing to provide any assistance I can.. @LynnForsey

    3. I tried to tweet to you but the tweet showed up on my account- i have a myself and another convention organizer in toronto who have been in the convention running and booking business for 19 years collectively - if you'd like to contact us, please email at conventionsetc@gmail.com
