Friday, April 13, 2012

Season 1, Episode 2 - Where There's a Will, There's a Fae

This is more of a "how do you do" episode. At least, we learn some names. Morrigan, Trick and Dyson and in that order, except we don't see Morrigan and don't find out Dyson's name til end of episode.

We are introduced to the Dal, Fae world's favourite pub! We do get a bit more history of the Fae world as told by Trick - Light and Dark. This is somewhat of a hindsight but when Trick asked Bo to sign in with parents name, he looked uneasy. Bo has no information about her parents and when asked, she doesn't get an answer.

Will, the farty guy, does give a background into Bo... who years ago was carried by a scared midwife trying to save Bo.

Who doesn't love Kenzi's reaction to headless guy? Kenzi literally is the viewer.

Useless info:
Near the end of the scene when Connor meets up with Bo and Will, the shot of that industrial area, I believe, is Hamilton, Ontario, aka Steeltown. Yes, when driving by the city, you do see that.

Team Dyson moment:
Is it not obvious that it is the end scene when Bo needs to heal? But this scene starts with Kenzi asking if she needs a doctor in which Bo replies, "No, get me Dyson." Oh and THIS is the scene we FINALLY get Dyson's name...

Team Lauren moment:
In the lab (where else?).

Bo visits Lauren to get help on how to control her urges. But maybe it's just me, I swear there were tension going on. Can you not feel it? And how did Lauren know Bo was just standing there watching??

Quotes of the Episode:
"How about we make a deal, ok? We don't kill where we shop." - Kenzi

"Are you sure that's not a Chass with the chunky or Bob with the butterball?" - Kenzi

"They played ice cream sandwich and I was the ice cream!" - Hale

"OMG, you're totally healed." - Kenzi
"Yea, side benefit of a feed." - Bo
"That's hell of a health plan." - Kenzi
"Yea trust me, couldn't afford the premium" - Bo

"Should I bring our farty little friend?" - Kenzi

"It's like he's got eyes on the back of his head... minus the head!!" - Kenzi

"First problem... no head" - Dyson
"Yea, it came that way." - Bo

"Maybe he wasn't listening... get it? no head" - Kenzi

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