Friday, May 18, 2012

Season 1, Episode 5 - Dead Lucky

Well, you team Dyson fans will certainly be happy with the opening...

We get a bit more into the Dark Fae and learn how the difference between the Light and the Dark Fae world works.

Is it just me or is there an odd irony that this episode was about luck and held inside a Chinese restaurant? Mayer's ability is to feed of the luck of human. Chinese actually have a fortune god. He's very prominent during Chinese New Year (yay! Red pockets!). Oh, did anyone else notice that Mayer is not Chinese but owns a Chinese restaurant with Chinese bodyguards? Now that's diversity.

Mayer's niece, Cassie the oracle, is... hm... not what I expected in an oracle. I was expecting a very quiet, soft spoken and floating in. She is almost like an obnoxious teen. She was like so wickedly cool! Totally awesome, like you know? (it was suppose to be sarcasm to imitate her) However, I think that's what make the scene that must better.

A body jumper... it is actually disturbing. Maybe the fact that they can only inhabit a dead body. Although, I did love the fact that Eddie was wearing the blond woman and decided to dance. It was kind of funny and to have Dyson call on him, "Eddie... What is it with the blonds, man?" and then walk up to Dyson.

We get to learn a bit more about Bo's pass but not much. Through Cassie, we do see what had happened to Bo when she found out who she really is and what had happened after her birth. However, it is interesting that Bo "will be a major player. And fate has some serious plans for you."

Useless Info:
Mayer, played by Aron Tager, is in several commercials playing as "Old Man Winter" and he is perfect for the role.

The driver's license that Dyson pulls up on the computer is an actual layout of an Ontario driver's license; all decked with a "mini me" picture and the trillium flower.

Team Dyson Moment:
Oh which moment... the opening? Or the one at the Dal?

Apparently, in the opening scene, Bo didn't really need to be healed. But hey, it was late at night and Bo needed it. They had also set up rules because it's suppose to be a secret.

And that secret jumped out when Bo got frozen and needed "911 booty call." Of course, no one told Trick and he thought his troll got out... Trick, what DO you keep in that room? And he didn't look happy about Dyson and Bo doing it.

Team Lauren Moment:
Looks like the Ash got her busy working in the lab again... Can someone please call the Ash and let him know we need the doctor?

Quotes of the Episode:
"Does this SHE have a name?" - Kenzi
"Ms. Snickerpants..." - woman
"Your boss?" - Kenzi
"My cat." - woman

"This really puts the suck in succubus" - Kenzi

"You know, you should really invest in a cup" - Bo

"I'm no longer on Team Dyson" - Kenzi

"911 booty call" - Kenzi

"Did my troll get out?" - Trick

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