Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Season 1, Episode 8 - Vexed

Just what we need to start an episode... injured Bo going to Dyson for "healing." Just saying... Although, I am confused. Bo is the one that needs healing so why is it that Dyson gets physical?

We get to learn more about Bo's past, ok sorta... Sigfried has information on a woman who's been dubbed "baby killer."

We get a little flirtation between Bo and Lauren in which Lauren gets a bit jealous when she hears Dyson. Lauren is adorable when she's jealous.

Bo goes undercover again and a little cleavage and a little touch et voila, she gets into the jail to talk to Lou Anne, the mysterious baby killer, who may know about Bo's parent.

Ow... who is this guy with the mind controlling power and a sexy accent?

We learn that by Fae rule, Fae is not allowed to fall in love human. Strange isn't it? It seems backward.

I love Cle Bennett's (The Ash) voice... it's raspy but nice.

What is this robot hooker game Kenzi is playing?

Wow, the Ash is a bit of an ass even with the sexy voice... and he tells her to keep Bo on a leash?

Ooo, new weapon! I want one! Syracon! Made of unicorn horn!

Bo certainly has a collection of wonderful weapons, doesn't she? Swords, axes, daggers, death stars and a crossbow. And I love her attire.

So Mr. Sexy Accent is Vex.

Trick saves Lou Anne from lethal injection? What do they know? WHAT DO THEY KNOW???

Useless info:
With the exception of Bo breaking into the theatre, I think everything else were filmed in a studio.

Team Dyson Moment:
Opening scene, Bo needing to heal and some naked time.

At the stairway? Bo pretty please to Dyson for autopsy report?

Dyson came to see how Bo's doing after attack of the fried bitch. Although, I thought it was a bit douchebag-ish to offer Bo healing. BUT brownie points for tell Bo she can stay with him.

Then Dyson loses brownie points for saving Vex instead of helping Bo.

Team Lauren Moment:
How about Bo's mention of Lauren at the beginning? "I've been working on it with Lauren" as in healing faster!! What were you thinking?

Lauren examining Bo at the lab? And yes Bo, once Lauren go Fae, she never went back! And Lauren just asked about Bo how she's doing sexually on human and of course Bo wanted to take it slow... on Lauren. Then Lauren plays devil's advocate that "succubus needs a healthy sex life in order to be stables. Of course when wounded, she still needs to have sex in order to heal." That must be the biggest flirt line EVER! Bo then mentioned using Dyson to heal and I think I saw jealously in Lauren's eyes... so cute! Then she responded with "as your doctor, I would be more comfortable with you choosing someone slightly less well travelled." J-E-A-L-O-U-S!

I like the Bo and Lauren moment when they were discussion about Bo's life. Oh Lauren. I think this is THE doccubus moment of the season. Bo doesn't want to hurt Lauren but Lauren trusts Bo. Off to the bedroom we go! "Nobody owns you" and then it sorta just fell apart when Bo realized Lauren was sent there to distract her.

Quotes of the Episode:
"He is being such a girl" - Bo
"Why? Because wolfboy is tired of you life sucking him when the mood hits?" - Kenzi

"Obviously you can't have Dyson and chase after Dr. Hotpants anymore. So time to pick a team, dude" - Kenzi

"I am mildly insulted" - Sigfried
"Then I mildly apologize" - Bo

"Once you go Fae, you never go back" - Bo

"A succubus needs a healthy sex life in order to be stables. Of course when wounded, she still needs to have sex in order to heal" - Lauren

"I bet you've never paid for a single speeding ticket, bitch" - Kenzi

"I will be saving the world from robot hookers" - Kenzi

"Smells like fried bitch" - Kenzi

"I have to be owned to be free?" - Bo
"No, just to stay breathing" - Dyson

"She's a succubus. If you want to keep her alive, I'm sure you can think of some way to distract her." - The Ash

"As a succubus, what do you feed on?" - Trick
"Nicotine and wishful thinking?" - Bo

"Whatever it is, I think it's happy to see me. What is it made of?" - Bo
"Unicorn horn" - Trick

"You are in my bed because he told you to be. Everything about that is wrong" - Bo

"I didn't know we were bringing toys? But that one's cheating." - Vex

"No more games. You tell me or I'm gonna cut it out of your" - Bo

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